Does "It" work online

I am often asked if “IT” works online? It being in this case Hypnosis.​Typically and mistakenly, Hypnotic trance is thought about as being something that someone else, i.e the Hypnotist does to the subject. "Spooky action at a distance“ as Albert Einstein once referred to Quantum Physics !
A trance or altered state is the sole property and responsibility of the individual experiencing it. All hypnosis is self hypnosis.
The hypnotist, change agent or any other title that is relevant never hypnotises any one. We endeavour to provide suggestion, that if accepted help to build and stabilise a physiological and neurological state in our subjects. Enabling him / her to consider their subjective reality differently.
Now, returning attention back to does “It” work online ?
Have you every watched a movie, read a book or listened to a piece of music and been moved ? Scared, excited, anxious, afraid, heart broken, happy, jealous, etc.
Consider who or what has caused those changes of state to occur within you? Was it the printed symbols on the page, the compression wave of air caused by the speaker, the magic being beamed out of the television by the actors? It sounds like spooky action at a distance to me.
Nevertheless, we have all laughed, cried and cowered whilst being in the particular altered state where the suggestions being offered by the book, movie or music where accepted and changed our subjective reality at that time. The unconscious mind takes action accordingly and responds with the appropriate state. It's the way we have learned to respond to the metaphor thats presented, not the metaphor its self.
Appointments involving Hypnosis and or NLP over Zoom are really no different. The context is of course different but the way we are able to change state is a function of our internal process and not that of the world around us. Working on line then is no different to being in the room as your brain doesn't actually know the difference ? It, is you so, do I work on line becomes the question ? Im quite sure you know the answer to that your self. Drop me a line if you would like to find out more or book an initial consultation.